** Hi guys! Some of you may have noticed that the blog has been pretty quiet lately (and that I’m not responding to comments as quickly). Sorry about that! Between moving and having a baby last year, and continuing to work full-time, I just haven’t had the time/energy to keep blogging. Also, I lost my laptop with all my photo-editing software! So I’m going to be putting Just Putzing Around the Kitchen on hiatus for the time being. I’d love to come back and start posting delicious new content again in the future, I just don’t know when that will happen. In the meantime, please keep in touch – I will be checking back in every now and then, and would love to keep seeing comments from you all (positive and negative). You can also email me at justputzing@gmail.com. XoXo, Tina”
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I am an attorney, a lover of reality television (esp if food is involved), a stress-eater, a voracious reader, and a shameless sci-fi/fantasy nerd. I love to eat, I love to cook, and I love to make other people eat what I cook.
Dan, a.k.a. The Boyfriend Fiance Husband (!!) — A lot of my blog posts will feature this guy: my taste-tester, prop-holder, picture-chooser, dish-washer, and hand model. He’s pretty great…when he’s not telling me to take something out of our grocery cart because “What the hell is Adobo sauce, I thought you were making strawberry shortcake!”
The baby (!) — Our little family expanded in 2017, to include this happy little goofball. He is the absolute love of our lives…and also the reason I’m taking a slight break from blogging!
The Cats — These fur balls are the inspiration behind my logo, though I don’t really let them stick their paws in my food…usually.
Welcome to our kitchen!