Fresh Strawberry Pie

One of my favorite childhood memories is of my parents taking me strawberry picking in Texas. No idea where…Corpus Christi? Houston? Unclear. All I know is that it was one of those places where the strawberry plants were grown stacked on top of each other, so the rows of plants (each plant loaded with ripe berries) towered…read more »

Lemony Blueberry Swirl Loaf Cake
**This post has been sponsored by Honest Cooking and Bonne Maman. As always, all opinions are my own. This Mother’s Day, as it slowly dawns on me (with excitement, but also a healthy dose of anxiety) that I’m really going to be someone’s mom soon, I’m reminded that I have two particularly wonderful women in my life…read more »

Alcohol-Free Sangria
Back in my first trimester of pregnancy, I stumbled across a couple memes one night that made me laugh because they so perfectly captured how I was feeling…which was tired, all the time, and somehow constantly queasy but also constantly hungry/thirsty. Basically, I was preggers and my body wouldn’t let me forget it. The best part about being in my second…read more »

Mini Grilled Hasselback Potatoes
You guys. It’s been over three months since my last post, and big things have happened since then! First, and most importantly, Dan and I found out that I’m pregnant! 17 weeks and counting. Baby Rodgers (no idea what the sex is just yet…we find out in three weeks!) arrives on September 7th, and we’re all very excited…especially the soon-to-be grandparents. So…read more »

Tomato & Pesto Bruschetta Bites
You guys – it’s December already. It’s true. Temperatures have dropped, there are twinkle lights on all the trees outside, everyone has a wreath on their door, peppermint-flavored things have started showing up on menus, and my Instagram feed has exploded with pictures of Christmas trees/gingerbread everything/sparkly ornaments/babies crying in Santa’s lap. Normally, all these…read more »

Crock Pot Short Rib Burrito Bowls
A couple weeks ago, after hearing me wonder aloud for the millionth time “why aren’t we saving more every month?”, Dan metaphorically wrestled me down and made me walk through, in excruciating detail, all of our expenditures for the previous month. Turns out, I shop a lot! And, we eat out/order in a lot! So now, in…read more »

Grilled Nectarine, Burrata & Prosciutto Crostini
Guys, the heat and humidity in Virginia this past week has been INSANE. When I checked my weather app at 6am yesterday, the humidity indicator was already at 96%. I’m not a metereologist or anything, but I’m pretty sure that means we’re basically moving through water at that point. Or at least that’s how it feels. On…read more »

{Gluten Free} Churro Waffles with Chocolate, Strawberry & Caramel Dipping Sauces
For my 30th birthday two months ago, my mother-in-law gave me my first ever waffle iron. It’s a gorgeous black/chrome, double-decker machine that lets me make two belgium waffles at a time. Twice the deliciousness in half the time! I’m afraid she’s created a bit of a monster, because having this thing in our kitchen makes us want to…read more »

Grilled Chicken Thighs with Italian Salsa Verde
A few weeks ago I flew out to Portland for a long weekend with some girl friends, and we spent 72 hours eating our way around the city. Did we plan our whole trip around food? Definitely yes. And. It. Was. AMAZING. The food scene in Portland is crazy good, you guys. A sampling of…read more »

Wine Slushie Pops
Summer is officially here, and it’s starting to get hot here in Virginia. Usually that means the start of cocktail season at our house, but now that I’m 30 my body suddenly won’t tolerate the endless stream of sugary, boozy beverages that I want to put into it. Acid reflux and hangovers – they’re no joke, you guys. So,…read more »

Rosemary Greyhound Cocktail
Dan says I’m a sucker because I can never say no to the nice young people/children that show up at our door with something to sell. It’s true – Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, high school kids raising money for one thing or another…they can all usually get a few bucks from me. But in my defense, it’s…read more »
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