You know what’s great about the week leading up to Thanksgiving? Nobody works. Most people take the whole week off to spend time with family, and the people who do stick around for work either take it easy or head home early. In my case, I’m home all the time anyway, but this week I get to have Dan home with me most of the day for company.
It’s been a fun couple of days. Dan got to put in extra hours with a new video game he bought, I got someone to cuddle with on the couch (and help coach me through the new Zelda Wii game), and the cats got an extra pair of hands for belly rubbing. Everybody wins!
Cuddling, gaming, and cat-rubbing can be energy-consuming though, so we’ve been snacking a lot. I made a huge batch of candied pecans over the weekend, and they’ve quickly become our new favorite thing to eat…ever. They’re sweet, salty, spice-y, crunchy, and unbelievably addictive. Nuts are healthy, and sugar is…uh…a good source of energy, so…any way you slice it, these are the perfect snack. And, if you’re hosting guests for the holidays, you’ll definitely want to make these for your guests to munch on while they wait for dinner.
Candied Pecans (Adapted from the Judicial Peach’s recipe)
– 1 egg white
– 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
– 1/4 cup brown sugar
– 1/2 cup white sugar
– 2 tbsp cinnamon
– 1 tsp nutmeg
– 1 tsp salt
– 4-5 cups pecans
(1) Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
(2) In a medium bowl, whisk the egg white until foamy.
(3) Add the vanilla, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt, and mix well.
(4) Add the pecans and mix well, making sure the pecans are well coated.
(5) Using a fork, transfer the pecans to the baking sheet. Make sure the pecans are separated and not too clumped.
(6) Bake the pecans for about 25 minutes, or until golden brown.
(7) Allow the pecans to cool completely.
(8) Stick pecans in the fridge to firm up, and then enjoy!
I’ve been seeing these candied pecans around everywhere and they look so good. Also thank you so much for uploading your gorgeous pictures on I really appreciate it.
Thanks! Candied pecans are really popular this time of year 🙂
Glad you like the pecans! By the way, the new design looks fantastic!
Thanks! And thank YOU for the recipe 😉
Your candied pecans looks great!! I couldn’t help but notice, you have the new zelda game for wii! skyward sword, right? I love the zelda games & just watched my bf’s older brother playing the new one last night. It looks like they took stuff from all of the zelda games (+ some useful things that all games in general do now, like collecting items you can actually do stuff with) & smooshed it all into one wicked looking zelda! I can’t wait to get it!! Hope your having tons of fun with it! Are you liking the game so far?
I do like it! It’s a lot like the previous Zelda wii game, except you do a lot of flying and swinging and balancing this time. The graphics have been making me kind of motion-sick, but that’s just me I think…
When he was playing, I saw those birds that you get to jump & ride on, & with the wii motion plus, it’s a pretty quick pace. I guarantee you when I have it & start to play it myself, it’ll do the same to me lol
You’ve done it again! I love your concoctions and have been following your blog ever since that delicious non-bake cheesecake recipe! I hope you don’t mind but I’m linking your site on my blog at . Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Thank YOU for reading 🙂
Will this recipe work if I use egg whites that come in a carton? (like Egg Beaters) or do you think I need to use regular eggs & separate the yolk?
I think you could definitely use egg whites from a carton. I’m not sure how many tsp/tbsp 1 egg white translates into, but other than that I can’t think of any reason the recipe wouldn’t work. Let me know how it goes!