Fresh Strawberry Pie

One of my favorite childhood memories is of my parents taking me strawberry picking in Texas. No idea where…Corpus Christi? Houston? Unclear. All I know is that it was one of those places where the strawberry plants were grown stacked on top of each other, so the rows of plants (each plant loaded with ripe berries) towered…read more »
Blueberry Cheesecake Bars
Man, it’s been a long and stressful week. In the last 3 days I have done the following: attended the last few classes of my law school career, wrapped up all my cases for clinic, stayed awake for 38 hours straight to do work, and written an 8000 word paper in one day. I am…read more »
Hot Cross Buns
“Hot cross buns, Hot cross buns, One ha’penny, Two ha’penny, Hot cross buns.” Today is Good Friday. You know what that means? Hot cross buns! According to Wikipedia, in historically Christian societies, hot cross buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday, with the cross in the middle standing as a symbol of the crucifixion of…read more »
Whoopie Pies
I’ve been promising my friend Emily for a while that we’d have a baking date, and today the stars finally aligned. After much debate (“What should we make?” “I don’t care.” “How about Whoopie Pies?” “What the hell is a Whoopie Pie?” “Great, it’s settled then.”), we decided to make some Whoopie Pies. It’s been…read more »
Bridal Shower!
My good friend Charlene is engaged, and this past weekend a few of us threw her a bridal shower in NYC. We were all in charge of different parts of the shower, and my friend Michelle and I were responsible for food/drinks. What does one serve at a bridal shower? Dainty things! Like chocolate covered…read more »
The "Ultimate" Lasagna
I cook so much more when Dan comes to visit me. (He’s getting his masters in Boston while I finish up law school in DC). Most of the time I eat sandwiches or salads for lunch, and when dinner rolls around I just throw some taquitos in the microwave and call it a day. It’s…read more »
Grilled Sirloin, Roasted Potatoes and Tomato Mozzarella Salad
I have the best roommate in the world — she’s fun, she loves reality TV, she washes the dishes, and she has no problem being my culinary guinea pig. She also happened to give me a $100 gift certificate to Williams-Sonoma for Christmas, which I immediately used to buy an indoor electric grill. This little…read more »
Chocolate Gooey Butter Cake With Peanut Butter Chips
“Some fellow asked me the other day, ‘Paula, do you make any low calorie dishes?’ I turned to him and said ‘Honey, I’m not your nurse – I’m your cook!’ Then for good measure I probably added some more butter!” (Paula Deen) I was going to a potluck today and needed to make a something…read more »
Godiva Chocolate Cupcakes with Mint Buttercream Frosting
Happy St. Patty’s Day, everyone! Hope you’re all having fun getting fantastically sloshed. I would be out and about with the rest of the city, but my Trusts & Estates professor decided to schedule a make-up class for 9 am tomorrow. My body no longer bounces back from late nights as quickly as it used…read more »
Thumbprint Cookies
Mmm, thumbprint cookies. All the Tuesdays With Dorie people were making these last week (Thumbprints for Us Big Guys), and it reminded me that I have a pretty sweet thumbprint cookie recipe of my own, courtesy of The Boxcar Children: Mystery on the Ice. These bite-sized treats are always a hit, and I make them…read more »

Carrot Cake Cupcakes with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting
I’m constantly looking for reasons to bake, and friends’ birthdays are the best excuse to do it. Yesterday was my good friend Smriti’s special day, and she put in a request for carrot cake cupcakes. I love carrot cake and have a great recipe for it, so I was more than happy to oblige. Note to self:…read more »