Keeping up the theme of “hearty, rib-sticking, warm-you-from-the-inside meals for cold weather“, I’m back today with a recipe for pumpkin chili. Strictly speaking, there’s more than just pumpkin in this chili (ground beef and onions and garlic and tomatoes, for example), but it’s pumpkin season, so the pumpkin takes precedence! To be honest though, if…read more »
Potato Leek Soup
Brrr, it’s COLD out there, guys (CA friends, “cold weather” is a natural phenomenon that occurs for about 6 months of the year in most other parts of the country…also, I hate you). How did this happen? One second it’s sunny and I’m walking around wearing skirts and a light trench, the next second it’s dark/gloomy and…read more »
Frozen Hot Chocolate
I know hot chocolate is a staple around Christmas, but…I’m just not that big a fan of hot beverages. I feel like liquids should always be refreshing and thirst-quenching, but hot drinks just aren’t like that (incidentally, I also don’t like soup). Every time I drink hot cider or cocoa or tea, my mouth ends…read more »
Perfectly Mouthwatering Pot Roast
So apparently The Pioneer Woman has upped the ante on being awesome and landed herself a show on the Food Network. And yes, she is just as adorably quirky on TV as she is on her blog, her cowboy husband is a hunk, and her kids are frickin’ angels. I want to be her when I grow…read more »