Happy St. Paddy’s Day, everyone! What are you guys doing to celebrate? Dan and I got a head start on celebrations last night and went to another couple’s house for Cocktail Night. The plan was for each couple to choose one type of liquor to be the basis of our cocktails, and then we’d all…read more »
Watermelon-Mint Lemonade
I don’t know how hot it is where you guys are, but it was 100 frickin’ degrees today here in Northern Virginia. 100, sunny, and muggy. It was so bad that for once I welcomed the subzero air blasting inside my office — I was cold, but at least with my limbs frozen I could…read more »
Mango Lassi
With the weather finally reaching summer-like temperatures this week (94 and counting!), cool and refreshing fruit beverages are on my mind again. Usually that means margaritas, daiquiris, and mojitos start featuring heavily in my blog posts, but I don’t want you guys to think I’m a complete lush. I do drink non-alcoholic beverages, you know. The…read more »
Frozen Hot Chocolate
I know hot chocolate is a staple around Christmas, but…I’m just not that big a fan of hot beverages. I feel like liquids should always be refreshing and thirst-quenching, but hot drinks just aren’t like that (incidentally, I also don’t like soup). Every time I drink hot cider or cocoa or tea, my mouth ends…read more »
Classic Lemonade
Man, it was hot today! The weatherman predicted thunderstorms all week, but there was nary a raindrop or storm cloud in sight. By the time I got home it was 88 and sunny. And just a little muggy, ‘cuz you know, it’s summer in Virginia. Basically, it was the perfect day for an icy cold pitcher of…read more »
Watermelon-Lime Agua Fresca
Remember when we were younger and watermelons could only be bought in the summer? A cold slice of the juicy red melon was always something to be looked forward to at picnics and bbq’s when the weather was nice. And the seeds! Kind of a pain to eat around, but fun to spit at your…read more »