The problem with telling people at work that you’ll bake cupcakes for a coworker’s birthday party is that when you taste the batter and realize the cupcakes are going to be the most delicious things ever and you no longer want to share them with anybody, you have to bring them into the office anyway….read more »
Peanut Butter and Chocolate Cookie Sandwiches
The great thing about being able to bake is that there’s never a chance that our sugar cravings will go unsatisfied. In the mood for chocolate chip cookies? Gimme 30 minutes. Want some brownies? Let me see if there’s cocoa in the pantry. Feel like going to the store for a package of coffee cake?…read more »
Nutella Buttercream Cookie Cups
I think it’s pretty well established at this point that I am a Nutella fiend. When I’m not eating it with a spoon, I’m sneaking it into just about everything I can get away with. Chocolate chip cookies? Yup. Banana bread? Definitely. Whoopie Pies? You bet. Bread pudding? Uh huh. I may not be able to tell…read more »
Brown Butter Chocolate Candy Surprise Cookies
OK, so that title is a mouthful. But, so is this cookie. A gloriously buttery, chewy, tender, chocolate-y mouthful. A mouthful that has a delectable surprise in every bite. Mmmmmm. Have you ever tasted cookies made with brown butter? They’re A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I mean, I’ve never met a cookie I didn’t like, but brown butter does…read more »
Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Bites
So, you may have noticed that I’ve been M.I.A. from this blog lately. Sorry about that! Things have been kind of hectic around here, and between all the traveling we’ve been doing, my bar exam review classes, and work, I just haven’t had the time or energy to cook and blog. It doesn’t help that…read more »
Carrot Cake Whoopie Pies
Happy Easter, everyone! This is going to be a super short post because I’m supposed to hide Easter eggs for my friend Emily in a little bit and I’m running kind of late. Sundays are not conducive for getting things done. So, why am I playing the Easter Bunny for Emily? Because she has awesome…read more »
Nutella Double Chip Cookies
Hello, my name is Tina, and I am a Nutella addict. I eat it slathered on anything remotely slather-able so that it doesn’t look like I’m just eating Nutella, I order strawberry and Nutella crepes so that I can very casually suck out all the filling, and I have to stick any jar of the stuff…read more »