Today was the nicest day we’ve had in a while — clear skies, high of 70, lots of sun, and no wind. It was a day meant to be spent outside. So, instead of lounging around our condo being lazy like we usually do on Saturdays, Dan and I decided to revive our balcony garden….read more »
Strawberry Banana Daiquiris
Dan can tell you that I’ve gone a little smoothie crazy lately. Those green smoothies from last weekend were the first smoothies I’ve had in ages, and guys? Smoothies are delicious! And, if you sneak in some leafy greens and high protein yogurt, they’re pretty good for you too! I’m a fan. So much of…read more »
Green Smoothies
Happy St. Paddy’s Day, everyone! What are you guys doing to celebrate? Dan and I got a head start on celebrations last night and went to another couple’s house for Cocktail Night. The plan was for each couple to choose one type of liquor to be the basis of our cocktails, and then we’d all…read more »
Mango Wine Coolers
Hoo-boy, we just had ourselves a real scorcher of a day, didn’t we? tells me we reached a high of 102 degrees today. 102 and sunny. Bright, merciless, blazing sunshine…everywhere. Thank god I didn’t have to go outside today. Frankly, sitting at home furiously handwriting a million essays for my simulated bar exam was way preferable to…read more »
Watermelon-Mint Lemonade
I don’t know how hot it is where you guys are, but it was 100 frickin’ degrees today here in Northern Virginia. 100, sunny, and muggy. It was so bad that for once I welcomed the subzero air blasting inside my office — I was cold, but at least with my limbs frozen I could…read more »
Mango Lassi
With the weather finally reaching summer-like temperatures this week (94 and counting!), cool and refreshing fruit beverages are on my mind again. Usually that means margaritas, daiquiris, and mojitos start featuring heavily in my blog posts, but I don’t want you guys to think I’m a complete lush. I do drink non-alcoholic beverages, you know. The…read more »
Triple Berry Frozen Mojitos
This post is inspired by our balcony garden, which is flourishing in the summer heat. Especially the apple mint. That sucker is spreading out and overrunning everything! It reminds me of a hydra — every time I snip off a sprig or two for cocktails, 10 more spring up. It’s starting to get out of…read more »
Strawberry Mojitos
It’s strawberry season, everyone! The pick-your-own-fruit farms are open for business, the grocery store shelves are loaded with fat, juicy, sweet berries begging to be eaten, AND… …my strawberry plants have started to bear fruit! Do you know how exciting that is? SO EXCITING! Our little balcony garden is a success! [Squeal!] To be…read more »
Grapefruit Margarita
Another day, another margarita. Don’t judge me, OK? It’s Cinco de Mayo! I’m pretty sure margaritas are mandatory on Cinco de Mayo. Yup. Totally. And that’s fine by me, ‘cuz these grape fruit margs are fabulous — mild, sweet, tangy, and refreshing. Even Dan, who doesn’t like grapefruit at all and looked deeply skeptical when I…read more »
Classic Lime Margaritas
Someone pointed out the other day that I’ve been going nuts with the beverage posts lately. It’s true. The only action my kitchen has seen in the last few days is fruit-squeezing, ice-making, and cocktail-stirring. Before you ask, no…I have not suddenly developed a drinking problem. It’s just that for food-blogging purposes it’s a lot…read more »